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“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift...that's why they call it present” ― Master Oogway

"Attack is the secret of defense. defense is the planning of an attack."- Sun Tzu

“There are no accidents.” ― Master Oogway

"To Read Too Many Books is Harmful" - Mao Zedong

"Hold on mom, I need to clutch this shit" - xQc

“I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” — Timothy 2:12

"a" - Johannes Storbjörk

"huh?" - Rasmus

"who controls the past controls the future" - George Orwell

"how do animals know how to animal?" - xQc

"heh!?" - Viktor the conqueror

"allah akbar!!!" - Georges Beyrouti

"Im gay" - Markus Odisho