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Humanists think that quality of life is important and that we should respect people's personal autonomy/choice. They do not encourage voluntary euthanasia, but, believe people should be free to choose and I agree with them.

According to swedish law helping someone with suicide counts as murder even if the person who will die fully agrees with the choice. Penal Code, Chapter 3 § 1 Murder A person who takes the life of another shall be sentenced for murder to imprisonment for a fixed period of at least ten and at most eighteen years, or, if there are aggravating circumstances, for life. But its fully legal for a person to commit suicide with their own hands.

I believe that it should be legal but there would be many restrictions to people who could do it. For example someone who is old, has terminal diseases, is disabled or just someone who doesn't have anything to live for. It should also be examined by a doctor or judge that the person who is making the choice fully understands what it means and that they have the mental stability to make said choice.

My belief is that everyone should have the right for a dignified death and this is an ethical way of getting that. Family members could be sad that a loved one will pass away but it's much better if it's their choice of when and how to pass away. It will also end the suffering of the person which is always a good thing.